Comment reconnaître un Bitcoiner en 6 mèmes

Bitcoin : comment reconnaître les fans en 6 mèmes

Les dictons sont nombreux chez les adeptes du Bitcoin et reflètent la communauté des fans de Satoshi Nakamoto. Découvrez les principaux !

Il y a ceux qui possèdent des bitcoins pour diversifier leurs portefeuilles, et il y a ceux qui en possèdent parce qu’ils croient au concept, et puis il y a les fameux maximalistes qui voient l’or numérique comme la seule vraie monnaie. Les Bitcoiners les plus avides suivent une philosophie bien précise, dans la lignée du whitepaper publié en 2008 qui a tout déclenché. Pour simplifier les concepts les plus importants, au fil des années, la communauté a utilisé des idiomes qui peuvent sembler étranges à ceux qui se sont récemment aventurés dans la blockchain. Découvre comment reconnaître un fan en 6 mèmes !

Les chiffres grimpent

Le premier dicton largement utilisé est « number go up » et fait référence à la nature déflationniste du Bitcoin. Habituellement, les monnaies fiduciaires sont inflationnistes et perdent donc de la valeur avec le temps. Le Bitcoin, en revanche, a un maximum de 21 millions de pièces. Lorsque ce nombre sera atteint, plus aucune pièce ne pourra être « émise » ! Number go up fait donc référence à la valeur du Bitcoin qui, selon une théorie née sur les réseaux sociaux, aurait tendance à augmenter sur le long terme. En particulier quand le marché est en baisse, les bitcoiners se consolent ainsi en se répétant « number go up » et en s’encourageant ! L’avenir du Bitcoin en dépend-il vraiment ?

Le Bitcoin règle cela

Tu n’aimes pas le système économique actuel ? Tu détestes le fait que ton compte bancaire perde de la valeur même si tu ne dépenses rien ? Le Bitcoin peut y remédier ! Cet idiome est largement utilisé par les Bitcoiners qui tentent de faire comprendre à leurs amis le potentiel de la blockchain. Les passionnés de Bitcoin, en fait, croient que les crypto-monnaies sont le seul moyen de « réparer » le système économique actuel. La monnaie fiduciaire ? Vade retro !

Analyse les chiffres, fais les calculs

Le grand avantage de la blockchain est que chacun peut contribuer au développement des plateformes décentralisées, et surtout chacun peut vérifier que les transactions sont correctes ! « Fais le calcul » est très similaire à l’autre principe de base de la crypto, à savoir DYOR. Les organismes centralisés ne sont plus dignes de confiance, quelque chose ne va pas ? Toi, l’utilisateur, disposes des outils pour t’assurer que tout fonctionne correctement ! Et si la communauté travaille ensemble, alors un système décentralisé devient plus sûr qu’un coffre-fort !

Je suis dans les Bitcoins pour la technologie

Qui a dit que le Bitcoin n’était qu’une monnaie ? La blockchain a apporté d’innombrables innovations dans de nombreux domaines, et promet de continuer à le faire à l’avenir. Dès lors, si le prix du Bitcoin baisse, il est facile de reconnaître un fan : il te dira sûrement qu’il possède la crypto non pas à cause de son prix sur le marché, mais à cause de sa vraie valeur, la technologie

Peu de gens le comprennent

Pour un Bitcoiner, le Bitcoin n’est pas qu’une monnaie mais une véritable révolution. Et, comme on le dit souvent sur les réseaux sociaux, peu le comprennent ! En effet, il est difficile de penser que les crypto-monnaies puissent changer radicalement le système financier tel que nous le connaissons, composé de monnaies fiduciaires, de géants et d’institutions financières centralisées.

Pourtant, l’esprit d’un Bitcoiner est toujours projeté vers l’avenir. S’il est impossible de prédire les politiques économiques des États et des banques, la politique économique du Bitcoin est écrite dans son whitepaper depuis 2008, et reste immuable. Donc, si un de tes amis t’explique tous les avantages de la blockchain, prépare-toi à rejoindre le club des « rares personnes » qui comprennent le potentiel du Bitcoin !

Taux d’accumulation

Si tu crains qu’il ne soit trop tard pour acheter du Bitcoin, ne t’en fais pas, les vrais fans sont toujours ouverts aux nouveaux arrivants ! Même si un Bitcoin vaut aujourd’hui plus de 30 000 dollars, ne baisse pas les bras, tu peux aussi te contenter d’en acheter juste un « morceau » ! Un satoshi équivaut à 0,00000001 BTC et est la plus petite unité de division possible d’un Bitcoin. Même si tu ne peux pas te permettre d’acheter un Bitcoin complet, tu as encore le temps d’accumuler des satoshis ! Le nom dérive évidemment du célèbre Satoshi Nakamoto, à qui la communauté a voulu rendre hommage en donnant son nom à la « petite monnaie » du Bitcoin.

Tu sais maintenant comment reconnaître un fan de Bitcoin ! Es-tu d’accord avec ces mèmes ? Ou peut-être te sents-tu plus proche de la façon de penser de l’équipe Ethereum ? Le challenge entre Bitcoiner et Etherean est toujours ouvert !

Kusama (KSM) lands on Young Platform!


New listing on Young Platform! Here is KSM, the token of Kusama, the blockchain for those who want to test the Web3

From the developers of Polkadot, from the co-founder of Ethereum, from the technology of the Web3 Foundation, here’s Kusama! From today on Young Platform you can buy KSM, the token of the blockchain known as a sandbox for developers of decentralised projects.

What is Kusama?

Kusama is a blockchain born in 2016 as an experimental version of Polkadot. The goal of its developers was to have a network with a token that was actually on the market in order to test dapps or updates, and then to bring them to Polkadot. It is precisely because of this testing function that Kusama is called a “canary network”, referring to the scouting role of canaries used by miners to detect harmful gases in mines. 

Although it is independent of Polkadot, Kusama shares its basic code and, like Polkadot, is defined as a Layer 0 blockchain on which to build parachains and parathreads. Compared to Polkadot, Kusama is a lighter and faster blockchain designed for the development of decentralised projects.

What is KSM?

KSM is the native token of the Kusama blockchain. The KSM token is mainly used for staking on which the blockchain’s consensus mechanism, the Nominated Proof-of-Stake, is based. According to this mechanism, block validators are appointed based on the amount of KSM being staked. The token is also used to vote on network governance and to connect parachains and parathreads to Layer 0.

Why have we chosen KSM?

Like Polkadot, Kusama focuses on a key feature of Web 3.0 blockchains, namely interoperability. Together the two chains form an ecosystem focused on scalable and secure technology development. In fact, Kusama is perfect for experimenting with the potential of Polkadot in a cheap and fast way. Kusama is much more flexible and sets less strict rules for developers. Once you are fully operational on Kusama, you can get going on Polkadot!

Which pairs are available for KSM?


Want to know more?

Read the Kusama Academy article out tonight!

The Graph (GRT) lands on Young Platform!

the graph

The secret weapon of all dapp developers? The Graph, the protocol that makes data on the blockchain quickly available. Now on Young Platform!

GRT, the token utility of The Graph, the protocol that encourages and facilitates the creation of dapps for Web3, is now available on the Young Platform exchange. 

What is The Graph?

The Graph is an open-source protocol to collect and make accessible blockchain data in a decentralised manner. One of the strengths of the blockchain is that the information circulating between blocks is public, however, even if this data is accessible to everyone, retrieving it can be complicated. There are two ways to find a piece of data on the blockchain, the first is to look through the entire history of the chain (a very long process), the second is to use blockchain explorers. These tools, however, such as Etherscan, are software owned by companies, centralised entities that require a licence. The third way is The Graph, called by many the “Google of blockchain“. 

The Graph works as an index for the Web3, it is a registry of ordered and easily findable data active since December 2020. Why is it so useful to have this kind of data at hand? Because developers can use it to build performing and complex decentralised applications. The Graph protocol was created with the aim of facilitating their work: companies using The Graph make their data, their APIs and their programming tools readily available. In this way, data useful to other apps is decentralised and easy to find, which makes the apps faster and therefore more user-friendly. 

What is GRT?

GRT is the utility token of The Graph. GRT is an ERC-20 token, built on Ethereum, which will be used for governance and in the internal economy of The Graph. 

The collection of information and its organisation is the work of different players: there are indexers who index the data or curators who select the most significant data. But also delegators, fishermen and arbitrators. They are incentivised to do their job better through rewards in GRT. On the other hand, users who want to access the data collected by The Graph pay fees in GRT. 

Why have we chosen GRT?

The Graph is a crucial tool for building a decentralised version of the internet, where information is the building block, the essential base from which to build. The Web3 needs resources like these that encourage all those who have an idea and want to implement it on blockchain. There are already many dapps using The Graph’s protocol, including Decentraland, Uniswap, Sushiswap and ENS

Available pairs?


Want to know more?

Read the Academy article on The Graph!

Algorand (ALGO) lands on Young Platform!

Algorand ALGO arriva su Young Platform

From today on Young Platform and Young Platform Pro, you can buy ALGO, the Algorand token, the environmentally friendly and scalable blockchain.

Young Platform’s exchange welcomes ALGO! If you’re not already familiar with Algorand and all its features, this listing is the perfect opportunity to find out if it’s the blockchain for you!  

What is Algorand?

To understand what Algorand’s blockchain is made of, we can focus on two concepts: decentralised finance and the scientific study of blockchain. The first aspect tells about its main applications, in fact, more than 600 global organisations use Algorand’s tools to offer financial services or protocols and dapp for DeFi, decentralised finance. 

The second describes a distinctive approach of Algorand, namely its close ties with universities and academia. The blockchain team is made up of leading research figures and Algorand’s founder, Silvio Micali, won the Turing Award in 2012 for his studies on cryptography. 

Algorand is also an environmentally friendly blockchain, its consensus mechanism, the Pure Proof-of-Stake, requires a reduced amount of energy and in general, Algorand is committed to zero environmental impact

What is ALGO?

ALGO is Algorand’s native token and has huge importance in the working mechanisms of the blockchain and its services. First, all Algorand nodes must have staked a certain amount of ALGO to validate transactions, which is the first major function of the token. What is ALGO also used for? To pay network fees and hosted protocol services, and participate in blockchain governance

Why have we chosen ALGO?

Algorand has been chosen by many fintech companies, start-ups and institutions as a technology base on which to build their projects. Since it also involves centralised institutions, it seems to be a bridge between classic and decentralised finance. By connecting these two worlds, each with its own needs, Algorand is the right place to build innovations. Moreover, the enormous growth of this blockchain is supported by its community, which ensures that everything is in line with Algorand’s long-term vision of the future of finance. 

Available pairs?


Want to know more?

Read the Academy article dedicated to Algorand!

7 rules to secure your cryptos on Young Platform

sicurezza young platform

Security is very important to Young Platform, which is why we create content and features to help you properly guard your cryptocurrencies.

We’ve put together this handy checklist to help you make sure you’ve completed all the necessary steps to secure your Young Platform account. If you don’t know how to do this, the guides will explain all the steps in a simple way.

Your Security Checklist

1.  A unique, complex and hard-to-guess password

Scegli una password non legata in nessun modo alle tue informazioni personali, come ad Choose a password that is not linked in any way to your personal information, such as your date of birth or your children’s names. Also, use a unique password that you don’t use for other accounts. Read the guide.

2.  2-factor authentication

2-factor authentication is one of the most robust security systems we have today for managing our accounts on the internet. If you haven’t set it up yet, go to the Guide.

3.  Set up a PIN or FaceID

Make your account even more secure by setting your Face ID or PIN to access the Young Platform app. If you don’t know how to set it up, follow the simple steps in this Guide.

Be wary of people calling you on the phone!

4. Never give your credentials to anyone!

No member of the Young Platform Team will ever call you on your mobile phone to ask for your login credentials or any security code and most importantly, will never ask you to perform a transaction during the call.

5. Don’t trust anyone who calls you on your mobile and asks you to send them your cryptocurrencies!

No member of the Young Platform Team will ever call you on your mobile phone and ask you to send money to an external wallet address.

6. 3rd level identity verification

Only in case you apply for Level 3 Verification or higher, a Young Platform Team member may call you to complete the process together with an interview. Again, under no circumstances will you be asked to move money or your cryptocurrencies.

7. If you have any doubts, ask the Team for support now!

If you have any suspicions or concerns, before you make any withdrawals from your account and send your cryptocurrencies to someone you don’t know, open a support ticket. Our team will help you immediately.

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Acqui-hiring: Young Platform absorbs the skills of Arithmos Trading Ltd

young platform arithmos

The acquisition will allow Young Platform to develop new and innovative proprietary trading algorithms, fully automatic and built ad-hoc for the crypto markets

Arithmos Trading Ltd has distinguished itself through its achievements, with dozens of certified track records and its methodology for designing new automated strategies

The operation will result in an Italian company bringing back talent and advanced technologies in the crypto world that had previously ended up abroad

Turin, 13 January 2021 – Young Platform S.p.A., the platform that simplifies access to the world of cryptocurrencies, has announced the acquisition of Arithmos Trading Ltd, a company specialising in the development of fully automated trading systems. An automated trading system processes multiple sources of information at a very high speed in order to maximise profit while minimising risk and human intervention.

Arithmos Trading Ltd’s algorithms have been proven, with certified track records and objective results, to address the changing and unique needs of the crypto markets. Through this operation, Young Platform intends to consolidate its position as a leading Italian crypto exchange, capable of bringing new and exclusive features to its users in the future.

Through the acqui-hiring operation, the intellectual property of Arithmos and its team will be integrated into Young Platform’s staff, thus allowing an Italian company to bring back advanced technologies and competencies in the crypto world that had previously ended up abroad.

Arithmos Trading Ltd was established in London in 2020 after years of research and development by its two founders, Edoardo Degli Innocenti and Matteo Meinardi, both engineers with MBAs from the Collège des Ingénieurs. In a short time, Arithmos has managed to invent a proprietary methodology capable of building robust algorithmic trading systems capable of automatically trading in more than 20 different markets simultaneously.

The great flexibility and originality of the strategies of the London-based firm, which has developed three different families of trading systems capable of generating net profits of over 70% per year, will allow Young Platform to enable a set of new exclusive features for platform users in the future, based on the most modern techniques of strategy design and artificial intelligence, thus gaining a further concrete competitive advantage in the market.

The operation is strategic in the overall industry landscape, which has seen major international financial market players introduce innovative algorithmic trading products during the pandemic to ensure better services and help clients navigate the increasingly complex and volatile market dynamics.

Edoardo Degli Innocenti and Matteo Meinardi, founders of Arithmos Trading Ltd, commented: “We are proud to have achieved such ambitious results in just two years, thanks to a focus on the development of innovative and effectively integrated products, from which we expect considerable synergistic contributions to accelerate the growth of Young Platform into an industry leader.”

Andrea Ferrero and Mariano Carozzi, CEO and Chairman of Young Platform, commented: “We believe that artificial intelligence applied to trading will play a significant role in Young Platform’s future. The solutions developed by the Arithmos team are the highest in terms of reliability and performance. We are excited about Young Platform’s upcoming future, and with this team on board, we hope to further accelerate our development at an international level as well. “

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) lands on Young Platform Pro!

ens listing

On Young Platform Pro you can now find ENS, the Ethereum Name Service token for personalised blockchain domains.

Today’s listing is for ENS, the Ethereum Name Service token, the platform to claim domains on blockchain. What’s new at Web3! 

What is Ethereum Name Service?

Ethereum Name Service is a platform to acquire domains registered on the Ethereum blockchain. In the Internet lexicon, a “domain name” or “domain” is a name associated with a server’s IP address and used to identify a website in a simple way. 

Blockchain domains work in a very similar way to classic web domains, but with all the advantages of being on blockchain. You can associate the addresses of any wallet with a blockchain domain and use it instead of long addresses made up of letters and numbers. This gives you a simple, easy to remember and shareable address on which to receive cryptocurrencies, tokens or NFTs. A blockchain domain can also be used to build decentralised websites that are immune to censorship: only the owner can delete or modify the content. Unlike classic Internet domains, blockchain domains are not held in a registry but in a wallet. They are therefore assets in their own right, exchangeable like a cryptocurrency and also circulating in secondary marketplaces.

With Ethereum Name Service you can buy a .eth domain on Ethereum and use it as your social media username and address for your transactions. Many people already use this service, including crypto stars such as Paris Hilton (parishilton.eth), and basketball player Shaquille O’Neal (shaq.eth)! You can check that the name you have in mind has not already been bought by someone on ENS website.

What is ENS?

ENS is the native token of the Ethereum Name Service intended for managing the governance of the project’s DAO. ENS holders are entitled to express their opinions on issues such as the formulation of the ENS Constitution. If you’ve already bought a .eth domain, you could be entitled to redeem some ENS tokens

Why have we chosen ENS?

Ethereum Name Service has so far registered 652,000 domains on Ethereum for a total of 209,000 owners, demonstrating that it offers a valuable product. The market for blockchain domains is interesting because of the possibility of creating decentralised websites and the convenience of having a user-friendly wallet address. One thing is certain, blockchain domains are the user names of the Web3. 

Available pairs?


Want to know more?

Read the Academy article out tonight!

Recurring Purchase now with Satispay on Young Platform


We have developed the missing piece that completes the functionality of Recurring Purchase, Money Box and Deposit with Satispay. We combined all 3!

If you haven’t guessed, you can now set up Recurring Purchase and pay with Satispay.

Let’s do a quick recap, for those who missed the last features released last year.

How does the Satispay Deposit work?

Since November you can top up your Young Platform account with Satispay in the following way:

  1. For free
  2. Instantly

This means that it is also free to use Satispay for recurring purchases on the Wallet and the Money Box. Needless to say, this is the most convenient deposit method if Satispay is available in your country.

Read our guide

What is the Recurring Purchase?

Do you prefer to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum on a regular basis, instead of keeping up with the market?

While you are buying, you can choose to set a frequency with which this will be repeated: weekly, every two weeks or monthly.

Just set the amount and choose how you want to pay: with your Euro Wallet, by card (Italy)… or with Satispay!

Once confirmed, the first operation will be performed and then regularly repeated automatically. 

If you choose to pay by card, each time a deposit will be made that requires a fee and then a purchase that requires a second fee. 

If you use Satispay, you only pay the purchase fee.

Want to push the envelope? By buying the YNG token you can even halve your purchase fees.

Read our guide

What is the Money Box?

Did you know that recurring purchases can also be programmed to top up the Money Box on a regular basis?

The Money Box is a separate wallet from the one you use to buy and sell. It is the ideal place to accumulate and store cryptocurrencies for the medium term. It helps you realise your goals more easily and keep track of all your crypto operations on Young Platform.

Read our guide

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Solana (SOL) lands on Young Platform!

Solana (SOL) arrive sur Young Platform !

On Young Platform’s exchange you can now find SOL, the Solana token. The most popular blockchain on the market for scalable and green smart contracts.

This is Young Platform’s first listing of the year! Today SOL, the Solana token, joins the squad. A blockchain that is being talked about for its qualities: speed, convenience and environmental friendliness.

What is Solana?

Solana is the most ambitious blockchain there is! Its goal is to offer fast and low-cost transactions forever. Solana is committed to never costing more than $0.01, and at the moment it costs an average of $1.50 to create a whole NFT! Sure, transactions are cheap, but how fast are they? Solana can reach around 50,000 transactions per second! With the game Break Solana you can test its speed yourself by challenging Solana. In 15 seconds, can you simulate sending the same number of transactions that the blockchain processes?

Solana is the blockchain of choice for developers, not only for its convenience, but also for its practicality. With its flexible infrastructure, anyone can create custom apps using different programming languages.

Let’s not forget that Solana is one of the greenest blockchains around. Thanks to its Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, it is energy sustainable and in 2021 it reached carbon neutrality. 

What is SOL?

All services in the Solana ecosystem work thanks to the SOL token. It is used both to pay network fees and in staking and validation processes. 

Why did we choose SOL?

Because of its features, Solana is the right solution even for those who are new to blockchain. Being cheap, it allows you to experiment without spending too much. Solana is a network where the motto “learn by doing” applies! This is why it attracts innovative and creative ideas: Solana was chosen by promising apps such as Audius, the first streaming platform for music on the blockchain. 

Which pairs are available for SOL?


Want to know more?

Read Academy’s article on Solana out tonight!

Avalanche lands on Young Platform!


On the Young Platform exchange you can now find AVAX, the Avalanche token. The blockchain for developing decentralised, scalable and secure projects

New listing on Young Platform. Have you heard of Dapps? And DeFi? Surely you know what an NFT is! Avalanche is the blockchain that allows developers to do all these things in a simple way.

What is Avalanche?

Avalanche is a project started in 2018 by developers at Ava Labs. It is a blockchain that solves the trilemma of scalability and is therefore simultaneously scalable, secure and decentralised. How is it possible to have all three characteristics? Thanks to Snowball, the consensus algorithm of this blockchain. On Avalanche you can find a platform to create blockchains, a Smart Contract protocol to develop Dapps and NFTs, a tool to create tokens and to tokenise assets.

What is AVAX?

How do you do all these things on Avalanche? By using the AVAX token. It is used to pay network fees and as an exchange token in all the dapps that the platform provides. In addition, AVAX is used as collateral for validators, who have to stake at least 2000 AVAX to participate in the network. 

Why did we choose AVAX?

AVAX is the token for those who want to enter a new decentralised ecosystem, which is very fast, has very low fees and is environmentally friendly. There is a DeFi ecosystem developing around this blockchain to keep an eye on. Such as? Pangolin, a decentralised exchange on which to do staking and yield farming. Or Yay Games, a decentralised games platform and marketplace. 

What pairs are available for AVAX?


Want to know more?

Read the Academy article on Avalanche!