The Web3 celebrates Her Majesty’s life: discover QueenE DAO and all the NFT collections created in honour of Queen Elizabeth II
The news of Queen Elizabeth II‘s passing on Thursday the 8th of September 2022 is the focus of all newspapers and social networks. A short time ago, the British monarch had spoken out on the world of digital markets. She communicated through the words of the then Prince Charles that she would take steps to strengthen the UK’s digital financial plan. After the news of the sovereign’s death, a number of series of digital artwork were created to pay a sincere tribute to the Queen, who was also loved by the people of the Web3. Discover the main NFT collections dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II!
NFT collections dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II
A few hundred NFT collections dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II were created on various blockchains including Ethereum, Polygon and the Binance Smart Chain. Beyond non-fungible tokens, meme coins such as Queen Elizabeth Inu, QueenDoge and Rip Queen Elizabeth have also popped up.
So, why are all these NFT collections about Queen Elizabeth appearing? For some it may have just been a way to exploit the media buzz of one of the biggest news stories of 2022. However, for most digital artists it was a real tribute to the most famous and beloved monarch ever. Digital artists have indulged in depicting the Queen in different styles and ways, but these celebratory tokens are not necessarily so recent. Some had chosen to depict the Queen and transpose her art onto blockchain before. These collections are of course now back in the limelight. Among the latter is QueenE DAO which is inspired by the DAO NFT Nouns.
QueenE DAO, become a member of the ‘British Parliament’
The QueenE DAO collection is an NFT project that was released in July 2022. It follows in the footsteps of the famous NFT Nouns DAO project. A DAO, or Decentralised Autonomous Organisation, is a type of organisation that is managed by smart contracts and that has a decentralised structure. Nouns is a Web3 platform built on the Ethereum blockchain, with the goal of building a project that is fully managed by all users who own the project’s native NFTs. This is made possible by periodic voting in which only those who own at least one NFT can participate. At this point, Nouns is pretty much an exclusive club, where everyone can get to know and interact directly with all the users who are part of the project. Very few people own Nouns NFTs .Few of them are minted, at the rhythm of one per day for just over a year. Let’s see how it works! On, the platform where Nouns’ digital artwork can be purchased, an NFT is generated every day consisting of a few traits that are randomly combined. Users who want to obtain the NFT can ‘challenge’ each other to bid in Ether until the auction ends exactly twenty-four hours after the digital artwork has been created. All Ether collected by the DAO is stored in a ‘common’ wallet whose contents are constantly visible to all users.
The QueenE project mirrors the features and ideas of Nouns. Instead of avatars depicting sharks or unicorns, QueenE’s NFT digital artworks are portraits of Queen Elizabeth that retain the pixelated style. QueenE’s NFTs are composed of six features including the background, face, clothing, head accessory, jewellery and portrait frame. These traits, as is often the case in NFT collections, are classified by rarity. 85% of the traits are common, 10% are rare and 5% are super rare. The rarity of NFTs will be linked to the voting power within the DAO. Voting power will be exercised within the QueenE parliament divided, as in reality, into two chambers. The House of Commons, composed of those who own at least one common QueenE NFT, and the House of Lords whose seats are reserved for owners of rare, super rare or legendary QueenE NFTs. Commons NFTs secure one vote for each NFT owned, while rare, super rare or legendary NFTs secure two votes.
QueenE’s revamped ‘treasury’ is the UnCommonwealth Treasury. Just like Nouns DAO it is also managing the project’s funds in a transparent manner. The QueenE DAO, which had been ‘dormant’ until a few days ago, saw an increase in sales volumes on the occasion of the passing of the iconic monarch. Will the love of the people of Web3 for the late Queen Elizabeth II triumph? Surely the NFT collections created to celebrate the monarch will remain as indelible memories engraved on blockchain.