Up&Down rewards are changing

As of 1pm UTC on Tuesday 5 April, the rewards in YNG for Up&Down forecasts won will change

What will change from tomorrow?

There will be 3 changes:

1) YNG rewards for forecasts won on Up&Down will be halved in this way as of 5 April:

  • 3 hours Duration: 0.05 YNG
  • 6 hours Duration: 0.08 YNG
  • 12 hours Duration: 0.09 YNG

2) In the event of a tie (the price at the end of the duration is the same as the starting price) you will no longer receive the 0.05 YNG reward, but simply lose nothing. So a tie-breaker will be equivalent to losing the prediction.

This change will be applied between Friday 8th and Monday 11th

3) Quests on Up&Down will have higher rewards:

  • 3 forecasts/day: 0.06 YNG
  • 5 forecasts/day: 0.1 YNG
  • 10 forecasts/week: 0.12 YNG
  • 15 forecasts/week: 0.18 YNG
  • 20 forecasts/week: 0.35 YNG

If you had challenges in progress before April 5th, you will get the old rewards when they are finished. When the Daily Quests start again on April 6th, you will see the new rewards, while the Weekly Quests will start again in the new mode on Monday 11th.

Why are the rewards changing?

The Young Platform team is reviewing YNG’s tokenomics, the mechanics that give utility and value to the in-house token. A number of changes are planned in the coming months, with the aim of ensuring maximum benefits for those who own the token.