All information on the DYDX crypto to decide whether and how to buy
As of today, the crypto of dYdX (DYDX) is available on Young Platform for purchase, storage and sale, however and whenever you want.
Read the short profile of this DeFi token to find out if it is right for you and see all the ways to use it on Young Platform!
DYdX: all you need to know
When we talk about dYdX, we’re definitely in DeFi territory: it is the first decentralised exchange dedicated to derivative instruments.
The first version was launched back in 2017 and was an immediate success, attracting the biggest investors in the industry, including a16z and Polychain capital.
Its token also featured in one of the largest crypto airdrops in 2021. DYDX is an ERC-20, and is used both for voting in project governance, staking, but also for obtaining discounts on DEX fees.
In the last period, dYdX faced competition from a similar service on Arbitrum, GMX, which took its place at the top. However, the launch of version 4.0 of the protocol, which includes migration to a native blockchain and complete decentralisation at the technical level, is imminent.
Decentralisation at governance level is also planned in the near future, with the implementation of a DAO to replace the Foundation.
How to use DYDX on Young Platform?
Here are all the features available for dYdX on Young Platform and Young Platform Pro:
- Buying and selling with EUR
- Recurring purchase
- Deposit from another wallet or send via the Ethereum network
- Creating a Single Coin Moneybox or Bespoke Bundle