How did the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump go? Things to know

How did the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump go?

On 10 September, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump held the long-awaited official debate for the November presidential election. Who came out on top?

On 5 November, US voters will go to the polls to elect the next president. Initially planned as a rematch of the 2020 election, this election was turned upside down in July when President Joe Biden decided to end his campaign and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris. The big question now is: will the result mean a second term for Donald Trump or the first woman president of the United States?

Harris vs Trump: the debate and the effect on the campaign

10 September marked a very important moment in the presidential election race for both candidates, especially for Kamala Harris, who took the opportunity to introduce herself to Americans as the new leader of the Democratic Party after the resignation of Joe Biden. Harris addressed all Americans still undecided about voting, taking the stage determined to represent the ‘face of change’ and show a ‘new way forward’ for all Americans. On the other hand, Trump maintained his style, emphasising the strong positions that distinguish him and criticising his rival’s lack of pragmatism. 

Harris vs Trump: a heated confrontation on crucial issues

The debate, held in Philadelphia and moderated by David Muir, saw the two candidates address topics of great relevance to voters: the economy, inflation, immigration and abortion. Harris tried to position herself as the middle-class candidate, accusing Trump of being the ‘champion of the billionaires’. At the same time, Trump portrayed Harris as a left-wing extremist who lacks the experience needed to govern.

Kamala Harris had a slower start but managed to carbonise and put Trump on the spot on sensitive issues, such as his popularity among world leaders and judicial troubles. She tried to present herself as a pragmatic and decisive leader, ready to confront international and domestic challenges, such as foreign and social policy issues.

On the other hand, Donald Trump maintained his usual provocative style, trying to discredit his opponent with personal attacks and repeated references to Joe Biden’s tenure, which he described as a failure. Despite his tendency to respond to provocations, Trump has tried to avoid excessively personal attacks while maintaining a harsh tone, especially on immigration, an issue on which he has a lead in the polls.

Taylor Swift’s endorsement and the ‘Spin Room’

One of the most talked about moments of the evening was Taylor Swift‘s endorsement of Harris. The pop star, very influential on social media, endorsed the Democratic candidate with a message to her fans, emphasising her support for Harris. This could have a significant impact, especially among younger voters.

Both camps declared victory in the ‘spin room’ after the debate. Trump’s allies tried to downplay the damage caused by some of his controversial statements, such as when he claimed that Haitian immigrants steal and eat pets in Ohio, a claim immediately denied by the moderator.

Who won the debate?

Regarding immediate reactions, Harris has consolidated his position, standing up to Trump and not giving in to his provocations. Trump appeared confident but was challenged on sensitive points, such as his judicial troubles and popularity among world leaders. 

However, both candidates have offered few concrete details about their programmes, leaving many voters questioning the United States’ political future. It is, therefore, too early to assess the impact on the polls, which may better indicate whether there will be any change in electoral preferences in the coming days. Indeed, the seven states with the most significant polling stations – Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Nevada, North Carolina, Michigan, Georgia and Arizona – will play a key role.

These seven states can, in turn, be divided into three different territorial categories. Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, all located north of the Canadian border, represent the most industrial part of the country. North Carolina and Georgia, on the other hand, are located south of Washington, while Nevada and Arizona are the most important in the Western United States. 

Who is leading in the polls?

In the months before Biden’s retirement, polls consistently showed him trailing Donald Trump. Although Harris initially struggled to improve those percentages, his campaign began to gain ground. Currently, at national polls, Kamala Harris leads by three percentage points

This figure, however, matters relatively, as it does not consider the different values of the key or swing states with a higher number of seats, which we listed earlier. If we analyse the question with these preferences in mind, we see that Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are, essentially, on par. For example, in Pens, Harris has 48% of the preferences while Trump has 47%, and the same percentage in Georgia. Conversely, Trump is ahead in Arizona (48%) against 47% for Harris.

National polling averages give a good idea of the candidates’ general popularity but do not necessarily accurately reflect the possible outcome of the election. The outcome will depend on a handful of swing states, such as Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, which historically swing between the two parties.

Who is winning in the swing states?

The polls are very tight in the seven key states, including Pennsylvania, which is crucial for electoral victory. Pennsylvania, in particular, has the most electoral votes among the swing states, making it decisive.

Michigan and Wisconsin, once Democratic strongholds, passed to Trump in 2016, but Biden won them back in 2020. Except for North Carolina, Joe Biden had won favour in six of these seven states. If Harris can maintain these gains, he will be well on his way to winning the election. On the other hand, Trump will have to make up ground in these key states to secure the votes needed to reach the 270 large voters required for victory.

In other words, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are unlikely to travel to Los Angeles (California) or New York, and if they do, the only purpose of their visits will be to collect money. They will most likely go to Phoenix (Arizona), Milwaukee (Wisconsin), or Atlanta (Georgia).

The role of funding 

One element that underlines the importance of swing states compared to those considered ‘normal’ is the amount of money the parties spend on promoting their programmes. In August, for television commercials in Pennsylvania, the two politicians spent about 40 million dollars each, in Georgia almost 20, and in Arizona more than 10.

Finally, we can briefly analyse the issues that will play a vital role in the US elections in November, mainly from an ideological and demographic perspective. For instance, Donald Trump had won a considerable slice of the African-American electorate, which may return to voting Dem after Kamala Harris takes the field. At the same time, however, many South American immigrants who are now citizens of Western states might prefer Trump’s approach to immigration because they have become, over time, strongly conservative on this issue.


The debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump gave American citizens a taste of the dynamics that will characterise this presidential race. Harris seems to have a slight lead in the polls, but the road to the White House is far from secure. In the coming days, the political landscape will continue to evolve, and voters in the swing states will have the final say on who will lead the country.

Chinese economic crisis: the impact on countries linked to China

Has the Chinese economic crisis arrived? What will be the influence on countries that have linked their future to China?

After two decades of unprecedented economic growth and prosperity, China has shown signs of a slowdown, causing global concern. How did it get to this point? Was the Chinese economic miracle, which fuelled global growth for years, an illusion? The signs of trouble are many: the collapse of exports from countries like Venezuela, which had staked much of its economic future on Chinese loans in exchange for oil, and the failure of major Beijing-funded infrastructure projects, such as the China-Laos high-speed rail line, which proved unsustainable.

The slowdown in China’s demand for raw materials has thrown emerging and established economies into crisis, with devastating effects even on long-standing economic partners such as Germany. China’s progressively cutting back on foreign lending and imposing unfair competition on global markets have caused many economies to be in trouble, raising questions about the sustainability of the Chinese growth model.

The economic agreement between China and Venezuela

In the 2000s, Venezuela, led by President Hugo Chávez, put all its eggs in China‘s basket, as it was the ideal solution to Venezuela’s problems. How? By offering billions of dollars in investments and loans in exchange for a precious commodity: black gold oil. At first glance, Chavez’s gamble may seem a winner. During economic expansion, China was hungry for energy resources and used Venezuelan oil to fuel its growth while financing ambitious infrastructure projects in Venezuela.

However, during the past decade, the situation worsened, mainly due to the drop in demand for oil and thus its price. Venezuelan export revenues dropped dramatically, plunging an economy already plagued by bad governance and internal problems into crisis, which finally rolled over in 2014. We all know the consequences of this: food shortages, hospitals lacking medicines and crime rates bordering on the surreal. For these reasons, millions of Venezuelans have been forced to emigrate, and China has progressively reduced its funding to the country. In short, Venezuela’s bet on China has become an economic disaster.

This crisis is only one of the first alarm signals ignored by the international community. Dozens of other countries, which have tied their economic fate to Chinese growth, now find themselves in dire financial straits. This situation is mainly due to the slowdown of the Chinese economy.

The Chinese economic ‘miracle’: an illusion?

After the 2008 financial crisis, triggered by the collapse of the US housing market, China supported the global economy by injecting vast amounts of money into the economic system, stimulating domestic demand and investing. It has spent around USD 29 trillion in less than a decade, equivalent to one-third of the world’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The beneficial effects of this expansionary policy have been felt worldwide, so much so that the Chinese economy is thought to have contributed around 40% of global growth from 2008 to 2021.

For many developing countries, China was the best of allies. A century later than in the West, its economic boom suddenly opened up new markets for raw material exports, while the Chinese government offered generous loans for infrastructure projects through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). However, deep imbalances and structural problems were hidden behind this apparent economic miracle.

The Chinese boom, fuelled by inefficient investments and short-term stimulus policies, now appears unsustainable. The situation is even more difficult if one analyses the moves of President Xi Jinping, who has been in power since 2012, tightened state control over the economy and resisted significant economic reforms. The result? Economic growth is slowing dramatically, so much so that some experts believe it is now practically nil.

The global impact of the Chinese slowdown

The slowdown in Chinese growth is having significant repercussions globally, particularly in countries that have chosen China as their leading trading partner. Falling Chinese demand for raw materials has led to a slump in exports for many emerging economies. The situation worsens as the Chinese government continues to subsidise its own companies and flood global markets with cheap products, making it difficult for local producers in other parts of the world.

In particular, China’s foreign lending has dropped dramatically in recent years. In 2016, China lent around USD 90 billion abroad annually, but today, this figure has fallen to only USD 4 billion. This reduction in financing is putting pressure on many countries that depend on Chinese loans for their infrastructure projects. Many nations are faced with paying off huge debts without being able to count on new loans.

The crises in Zambia, Sri Lanka and Pakistan

To understand the extent of the problem, one only has to look at the situation in Zambia and Sri Lanka. Both have declared default because of billions of dollars in debt to China, which they cannot repay. Or Pakistan, where factories are closing and the energy system is struggling to function.

Even the most developed economies are not immune. Germany saw its exports to China fall by 9% in 2023, the most significant drop since China joined the World Trade Organisation in 2001. Other commodity-rich countries, such as Australia, Brazil, and Saudi Arabia, are seeing declining demand for energy and natural resources.

The shadow of the 1980s debt crisis

The current situation parallels the debt crisis that affected many developing countries in the 1980s. At that time, many nations, particularly in Latin America and Africa, were overwhelmed by huge debts contracted with Western commercial banks and international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank. Faced with soaring interest rates and plummeting commodity prices, many countries, including Mexico, Brazil and Argentina, defaulted, triggering years of economic stagnation and political crises.

Today, China has taken over the role that used to be played by Western banks. Its growing economic influence has led many developing countries to take on huge debts to finance infrastructure and industrial projects. However, as the cases of Venezuela, Zambia and Sri Lanka show, the price of this dependence on China can be devastating.

An uncertain future

The Chinese economic crisis is not just about China but has global implications. Dozens of countries are at risk of default, and the global economic outlook is uncertain. The situation could worsen if China does not restructure its external debt and change its protectionist trade practices. Not least because China also has to deal with a severe real estate crisis, for example, the collapse of Evergrande, one of the world’s largest companies in this sector.

The international community faces a complex challenge: finding a balance between the need to involve China in resolving the crisis and protecting its economies from the consequences of the Chinese slowdown. Venezuela’s example shows how high the cost of a badly calibrated economic gamble can be.

The world needs a collective solution to deal with the consequences of the Chinese economic slowdown, but finding a global agreement will take work.

What, indeed, are the risks of artificial intelligence?

What are the risks of artificial intelligence?

What are the risks of artificial intelligence? From privacy to security, from ethical dilemmas to work dislocation

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are incredible technologies with enormous potential and an ocean of use cases we have only explored. Like any invention that has the potential to disrupt the world, the introduction of artificial intelligence into our daily lives also carries risks. This aspect of AI started to emerge in 2022 after the launch of ChatGPT, one of the first AI models to go mainstream.

From job displacement—a phenomenon that describes the future disappearance of certain jobs—to concerns about privacy and security and ethical and social dilemmas that, to date, have only been partially addressed, let us see what the main risks of artificial intelligence are.

The risks of artificial intelligence: machine learning vs deep learning

Before addressing the risks of artificial intelligence in detail, it may be useful to define the concept by specifying the main differences between the various models. First, we can start by defining the goal of artificial intelligence, which is to develop ‘machines’ with machine learning and adaptive capabilities inspired by human learning models.

However, the term artificial intelligence (AI) is often associated with concepts such as deep learning and machine learning (ML), which are considered synonymous even though they actually differ. Machine learning is a sub-area of AI that focuses on developing algorithms that allow computers to learn from data and improve their performance over time without being explicitly programmed for each specific task. ML uses statistics to enable machines to ‘learn’ from data, identifying patterns and making decisions based on past examples

Deep Learning, on the other hand, is a more specific subset of machine learning that uses neural networks to learn from data. ChatGPT and Gemini (Google’s AI), are good examples of working deep learning models, albeit still embryonic when considering the potential of this technology.

Finally, before addressing the risks associated with artificial intelligence, we can define the main theories related to it, which are very useful in distinguishing the two most widespread types of AI:

  • Artificial solid intelligence: theory according to which machines will be able to develop self-awareness and thus replicate human intelligence;
  • Weak Artificial Intelligence: theory according to which it is possible to develop machines capable of solving specific problems without being aware of the activities performed.

Artificial intelligence has also found new applications in the cryptocurrency sector in recent years, with numerous innovative projects created to combine the best of these two cutting-edge technologies. On our exchange, you will find a selection of AI cryptos and a Custom Money Box that allows you to buy the four most promising ones in this segment regularly.

Find out now!

The risks of artificial intelligence

Now that we have more precisely defined the concepts that make up AI, we can dive headlong into the central topic of this article, answering the question: What are the risks associated with artificial intelligence? It will be necessary to summarise, although each paragraph in this article should be explored in greater depth in a dedicated article. 

  1. Privacy issues

AI technologies and most social media collect and analyse large amounts of personal data, making privacy an ever-present issue. This issue became even more relevant after the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov

Artificial intelligence is also involved in these concerns. However, privacy management varies greatly depending on the legal jurisdiction. For example, European regulations are much stricter than those in the United States and place greater emphasis on the protection of personal data and the rights of individuals.

  1. Ethical and Moral Dilemmas

The discourse on the ethics of AI systems, especially in decision-making contexts that can have significant consequences, is very complex and convoluted. The main difficulty here lies in translating ethical principles, often subjective and culturally variable, into rules and algorithms that can guide machine behaviour

Researchers and developers must give the highest priority to the ethical implications of this technology, not only to prevent potential harm but also to ensure that AI operates in a manner consistent with society’s fundamental values. This requires a constant effort to balance technological innovation and social responsibility.

  1. Safety Risks

In recent years, after artificial intelligence has become mainstream, the security risks associated with its use have risen sharply. Hackers and other malicious actors can exploit AI models to conduct increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks, circumvent existing security measures and exploit system vulnerabilities, putting critical infrastructure and sensitive data at risk.

To mitigate these risks, governments and organisations must develop rigorous best practices for the secure implementation of AI. These concerns not only the adoption of advanced security measures but also the promotion of international cooperation to establish global standards and regulations, which is necessary for many experts in the field. In short, only through a coordinated and proactive approach will it be possible to effectively protect society from security threats arising from the misuse of AI.

  1. Labour displacement

Another risk attributed to artificial intelligence is job displacement, which has the potential to cause significant job losses in several sectors, particularly affecting less skilled workers. Although, according to various research, artificial intelligence and other emerging technologies will be able to create more jobs than they eliminate, the transition will only be difficult. As AI technologies continue to develop and become more efficient, it becomes crucial for the workforce to adapt quickly to these changes.

To remain competitive in a changing landscape, workers need to acquire new skills, with a particular focus on digital and technological skills. This is particularly important for lower-skilled workers, who risk being more vulnerable to dislocation caused by automation. Therefore, retraining and lifelong learning become essential to ensure that the workforce can integrate with, rather than be replaced by, new technologies. Public policies and educational initiatives must support this transition process, providing the necessary tools for workers to adapt and thrive in the AI era.

  1. Disinformation and fake news

Finally, the last risk of artificial intelligence we address in this article concerns fake content generated by this technology, such as deepfakes. Creating this content will make it increasingly easy to deceive even experienced observers, fuelling misinformation and undermining trust in information sources. Combating AI-generated disinformation is essential to preserve the integrity of information in the digital age and to protect the democratic fabric of societies.

A Stanford University study highlighted the urgent dangers of AI in this context, stating that “AI systems are being used in the service of disinformation on the Internet, with the potential to become a threat to democracy and a tool for fascism.” Tools such as deep fake videos and online bots, which manipulate public discourse by simulating consensus and spreading fake news, can harm society in various ways.

These are just some of the risks associated with artificial intelligence and its growing impact on our daily lives, but there are many more to consider. For example, there is a concentration of power in the hands of a few large companies and an increasing dependence on tools based on this technology. Without bordering on science fiction, these problems require attention and concrete solutions. However, it is worth pointing out that AI’s opportunities are sufficiently promising to justify continued investment and development, making the balance between costs and benefits positive overall.

Top 10 Richest OnlyFans Creators in 2024

Top 10 Richest OnlyFans Creators

Quali sono gli onflyfanser più ricchi al mondo? La classifica dei 10 che guadagnano di più

OnlyFans has grown into a highly lucrative platform where content creators from various industries can generate substantial incomes by offering exclusive content to paying subscribers. While it has a strong presence in the adult entertainment space, many creators from diverse fields, including music, fitness, and fashion, have found immense success. In this article, we explore the top 10 richest OnlyFans creators in 2024, whose earnings rival those of celebrities and business leaders alike.

Note: The figures provided here are based on estimates and may not reflect exact earnings.

1. Bella Thorne – $11 Million per Month

Former Disney star Bella Thorne became the talk of OnlyFans when she made $1 million in the first 24 hours of joining the platform. With exclusive content ranging from behind-the-scenes looks to more provocative material, Thorne remains the highest-earning creator on the platform.

2. Cardi B – $9.5 Million per Month

The globally renowned rapper Cardi B has leveraged her massive fan base to create a successful presence on OnlyFans. While her content is limited, focusing on personal updates and behind-the-scenes material, her star power alone has led to impressive monthly earnings.

3. Iggy Azalea – $9.2 Million per Month

Australian rapper Iggy Azalea has built a significant following on OnlyFans, sharing music-related content, photoshoots, and exclusive insights into her life. Her popularity on the platform has led to monthly earnings just over $9 million.

4. Coco Austin – $9 Million per Month

Television personality and model Coco Austin earns millions on OnlyFans by offering sultry photoshoots and personalized content. Her substantial social media following has easily translated into a highly successful OnlyFans account.

5. Mia Khalifa – $6.5 Million per Month

Former adult film star Mia Khalifa has successfully reinvented herself as a popular influencer. On OnlyFans, she shares a mix of personal content and exclusive behind-the-scenes material, earning her millions monthly.

6. Erica Mena – $4.5 Million per Month

Reality TV star Erica Mena of “Love & Hip Hop” fame has capitalized on her public profile to become a high-earning OnlyFans creator. Her success has made her one of the top earners on the platform.

7. Bhad Bhabie – $4.33 Million per Month

Rapper and social media star Bhad Bhabie, also known as Danielle Bregoli, shot to fame after her appearance on Dr. Phil. Since joining OnlyFans, she has amassed a large following, earning over $4 million per month.

8. Tana Mongeau – $3 Million per Month

YouTuber and influencer Tana Mongeau is known for her controversial and engaging content, which has helped her become one of the top creators on OnlyFans. Her fanbase eagerly consumes her exclusive material, leading to significant monthly earnings.

9. Gemma McCourt – $2.3 Million per Month

Digital entrepreneur Gemma McCourt has turned her creativity into a highly successful OnlyFans account. With exclusive content priced at $30 per month, McCourt consistently earns in the millions.

10. Pia Mia – $2 Million per Month

Singer and model Pia Mia Perez rounds out the top 10. With a strong presence on social media and a music career, Pia Mia has successfully monetized her platform through OnlyFans, where she offers exclusive content to her dedicated fanbase.

The 5 Most Popular Crypto Trading Strategies

Crypto Trading Strategies: The 5 Most Popular

Looking for the best crypto trading strategy to maximise your portfolio’s performance? Much like the recipe for Big Mac sauce, no one truly knows it. However, here are five of the top-performing strategies from the past!

There are countless unanswered questions in the world. What is the real name of street artist Banksy? What’s the recipe for Big Mac’s secret sauce? How much money did Pablo Escobar hide in the hills surrounding Medellin? How were the Egyptian pyramids built? But none compares to the one that haunts crypto trading strategy enthusiasts daily: What’s the perfect strategy? What does the ultimate, unbeatable portfolio look like? Which cryptocurrencies does it hold, and in what proportions?

Since it’s impossible to pinpoint a definitive answer, we’ve reviewed several popular crypto trading strategies to find the ones that have delivered the best returns with a manageable risk over time. Discover the top five strategies in this article! P.S. All these strategies outperformed the S&P 500, with at least double its percentage increase.

Scopri Young Platform

1. Market Cap Weighted – Allocating by Market Capitalization

Why not start with its decentralised counterpart when looking for crypto trading strategies that have beaten the S&P 500? A “cap-weighted” portfolio is created by distributing your investment among the top 20 cryptocurrencies by market capitalisation, excluding stablecoins. This means the percentage invested in each currency corresponds to its market value. As of the time of writing, this strategy would see 56% invested in Bitcoin, 14% in Ethereum, 3.7% in BNB, 3% in Solana (SOL), and so on.

From January 2023 to August 2024, this crypto trading strategy saw a 144% increase, and during Bitcoin’s peak at $74,000 in March, it hit nearly 200%.

2. The Classic Combo: 80% Bitcoin, 20% Ethereum

This is the most popular crypto trading strategy, recommended by many long-time investors in the space. However, you should keep this one a secret from Bitcoin maximalists, as they believe BTC is the only legitimate cryptocurrency. Regardless, the 80% Bitcoin and 20% Ethereum duo have proven highly effective over the last 20 months, with a notable gain of over 190%.

3. Bitcoin Maximalist: All-In on the King

Bitcoin remains the most well-known cryptocurrency; for many, it’s the only one that truly matters. Over the past year, Bitcoin’s strong returns and relative stability compared to other cryptocurrencies have reinforced this belief. From January 2023 to August 2024, Bitcoin saw a price increase of 226%, and during the March peak, it surged to 350%.

4. Buy the Dip – “Catching a Falling Knife”

This strategy is the most complex in this article, but it’s worth discussing as it’s widely used by crypto trading strategy enthusiasts—sometimes without fully understanding its nuances. It requires an active approach to trading, unlike simpler “buy and hold” strategies. Success depends on timing and buying during market dips.

Suppose you started with a budget of $5,000 in BTC and $5,000 in stablecoins, intending to buy more BTC whenever its price dropped by more than 10%. If executed perfectly, this strategy could have turned that $10,000 into $48,000 by the end of the year.

However, this is easier said than done. Buying during market downturns is tough, both mentally and emotionally. It requires nerves of steel, patience, and a solid understanding of market trends. If you’re not experienced, a more straightforward recurring purchase strategy might be a better fit.

5. The Creative Combo: 60% Bitcoin, 20% Ethereum, 20% Solana

Finally, look at the most successful crypto trading strategy from the last few months. This portfolio comprises 60% Bitcoin, 20% Ethereum, and 20% Solana (SOL). While 20% may seem like a modest allocation, this portion has propelled this strategy to incredible heights. Since January 2023, this portfolio has seen an impressive 620% gain.

While we can’t definitively answer which strategy is the best for crypto trading, these five strategies have performed exceptionally well with a reasonable level of risk. More exotic portfolios may have delivered even higher returns, but these are often unsustainable in the long run. You can find most of the mentioned cryptocurrencies on platforms like Coinbase or Binance, so dive in and start your journey into crypto investing!

Club Benefit: Free Internet Anywhere in the World, Thanks to Saily!

Free eSIM Thanks to Saily and Young Platform Clubs

The crypto world knows no borders. Thanks to Saily and the Young Platform Clubs, you can break down barriers and browse for free wherever you are.

There are countless crypto hubs worldwide: the United States, Hong Kong, Singapore, Lisbon, and Lugano. On its long journey towards adoption, the money of the future shares a characteristic with the generation that uses it most: it is global. For this reason, those working in this sector and those driven by passion might travel far and wide to attend events, summits, conferences, or hackathons.

However, there’s a slight problem: crypto and blockchain require an internet connection to function and be used. But don’t worry, if you’re part of the Young Platform Clubs, we’re here to help with a solution offered in partnership with Saily.

Scopri Young Platform

What is Saily, and how does it work?

Saily is an international eSIM service created by Nord Security, which developed NordVPN. Although these two services—VPNs and eSIMs—may seem very different, they share the same goal: to allow users to browse the internet reliably, even when far from home. Saily offers hundreds of flexible data plans for travelling in over 150 countries, a quick setup procedure, and 24/7 chat support.

The data plans offered by Saily vary, and the features that differ depending on the chosen solution are twofold:

  • The duration: the number of days the eSIM remains active after activation.
  • The amount of GB the plan provides: 1, 3, 5, 10, and 20 GB.

When you choose an eSIM on Saily, you can’t change the duration, as it is automatically associated with the amount of GB. Solutions that include 1 GB of mobile data often have a duration of 7 days, while if you opt for a 3 GB plan or higher, you can use the eSIM for 30 days.

Thanks to some key features, Saily is establishing itself as a leading brand in this young sector. Firstly, its affordability. The price of Saily’s eSIMs is approximately 15% lower than that of its main competitors. 

Additionally, thanks to the Top-Up function, Saily doesn’t require downloading a new eSIM whenever you change countries or run out of GB. Instead, you can add a new data plan from the same or another country to the SIM you already have. This feature is incredibly convenient for those embarking on a road trip. 

How does the benefit work?

This time, we haven’t just offered you discounts; if you’re part of our Clubs, you can activate an eSIM utterly free of charge! Here’s a detailed look at the type of eSIM you can activate at no additional cost, depending on your Club membership.

  • Bronze: 1GB plan (7 days) free;
  • Silver: 1GB plan (7 days) free;
  • Gold: 3GB plan (30 days) free;
  • Platinum: 5GB plan (30 days) free.

How to apply the code?

First of all, join a Club or upgrade to the most advantageous one using the Young Platform app.

  • Go to the Saily website.
  • Select the country where you want to browse and the data plan that best suits your needs. NB: The promo code will only apply correctly if you select the exact plan offered as a gift. So, if you need more GB, make two separate purchases to add more GB on top of those provided.
  • Click on “Proceed to Payment.”
  • Click on “Have a promo code?”
  • Enter the code received via email.
  • Check that the code has been accepted. By entering the promo code, no payment will be requested, and the purchase will be automatically completed.

The promo codes have no expiration date. However, once the code is redeemed during the eSIM purchase process, you have 30 days to activate it.

Additionally, the purchase will be visible on your account through the Saily app. Simply log in with the same account you used during the purchase.

For any questions or concerns, you can refer to their official website:

Best Cryptocurrency to Buy Today: Top Picks for September 2024

Best Cryptocurrency to Buy Today: September 2024 Rankings

Discover the best cryptocurrencies to buy in September 2024. Stay updated with the latest trends and market shifts in the ever-evolving world of crypto.

Gli equilibri nel mondo delle criptovalute cambiano in maniera rapida e spesso imprevedibile. Per questo motivo è importante, soprattutto se stai scegliendo quale criptovaluta comprare oggi, conoscere gli ultimi sviluppi del mercato e le novità introdotte dai progetti “sulla cresta dell’onda”. Ogni mese, nuove tecnologie e cambiamenti regolamentari possono influenzare il valore, le gerarchie e la classifica delle crypto per capitalizzazione di mercato. 

Grazie a questa analisi mensile, puoi reperire informazioni su quale criptovaluta comprare attraverso una una classifica delle cinque più promettenti, da noi stilata basandoci sui dati più recenti e sugli eventi significativi che stanno plasmando il settore. 

As the cryptocurrency market evolves rapidly, staying informed about the latest developments is crucial, especially considering which cryptocurrency is the best to buy today. September 2024 brings new opportunities and challenges, making it essential to review the most promising cryptos to add to your portfolio. In this article, we’ll provide a monthly analysis that ranks the top five cryptocurrencies to buy based on recent data and significant events shaping the market.

1. Aave (AAVE)

Aave (AAVE) stands out as a leading contender when considering which cryptocurrency to buy today. As the foremost decentralised application for borrowing and lending crypto, Aave has maintained its dominance in the decentralised finance (DeFi) sector despite the rise of numerous competitors.

In late August, Aave set a new record for weekly active borrowers, underscoring its popularity among users. Financially, the project also impressed, with Q2 2024 earnings reaching approximately $20 million, nearly double that of the previous quarter. The Total Value Locked (TVL) on Aave’s platform, a critical metric in DeFi, recently hit $12 billion.

AAVE’s price has responded positively to increased activity on its platform, experiencing nine consecutive daily gains and a peak surge of +38%. Currently, AAVE is hovering around the $130 resistance level. If it breaks through this, the following targets could be $150 and eventually $240, fueled by the ongoing growth of its user base.

  • 30-day price increase: +40% (from $100 on 07/26/2024 to $140 today)
  • 1-year price increase: +87% (from $100 on 08/26/2023 to $187 today)

2. Sui (SUI)

Sui (SUI) is another intriguing option for those wondering which cryptocurrency to buy today. Created by former Meta developers, SUI has emerged as one of the top performers in the market over the past month, driven in part by the introduction of the Grayscale Sui Trust. This new financial product has bolstered SUI’s standing, potentially setting it up for continued success in September.

SUI experienced a massive +130% surge following the market crash on August 5th. Even more recently, SUI has shown significant growth, with a +100% increase and an additional +16% gain in the past week.

  • 30-day price increase: +26% (from $100 on 07/26/2024 to $126 today)
  • 1-year price increase: +53% (from $100 on 08/26/2023 to $153 today)


3. Fantom (FTM)

Fantom (FTM) has gained attention recently, thanks to the announcement that Andre Cronje, a leading figure in DeFi, will return as Sonic Labs’ Chief Technology Officer (CTO). Cronje’s involvement in developing Sonic, particularly its native bridge technology, “Sonic Gateway,” could significantly enhance Fantom’s ecosystem.

Sonic’s L1 network, which uses asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance (aBFT) consensus, promises near-instant transaction finality with a single confirmation. This development is likely to boost investor confidence in Fantom’s future growth.

  • 30-day price increase: +8% (from $100 on 07/26/2024 to $108 today)
  • 1-year price increase: +95% (from $100 on 08/26/2023 to $195 today)

4. Bittensor (TAO)

Bittensor (TAO) is closing out an exciting August, having benefited from Grayscale’s involvement. TAO is featured in two of Grayscale’s financial products, including a Trust dedicated entirely to this promising cryptocurrency. TAO has seen a dramatic rise from $200 to nearly $800 earlier in the year, although it later corrected back to its starting point.

Following the August 5th crash, TAO has regained momentum, doubling its value in three weeks. If it can surpass the $360 resistance level, TAO could see significant gains in September.

  1. 30-day price increase: +2% (from $100 on 07/26/2024 to $102 today)
  2. 1-year price increase: +296% (from $100 on 08/26/2023 to $296 today)

5. Ethereum (ETH)

Finally, Ethereum (ETH) rounds out our list of the best cryptocurrencies to buy in September 2024. Despite facing challenges and failing to break the $2,800 resistance level, Ethereum remains a strong contender due to its robust fundamentals.

Ethereum’s blockchain continues to operate smoothly, demonstrating unmatched security and efficiency. The network recently set a new record with over 34 million ETH staked, and the team has rolled out significant upgrades such as The Merge, Shanghai, Dencun, and Proto-Danksharding, ensuring Ethereum remains at the forefront of blockchain innovation.

  • 30-day price decrease: -14% (from $100 on 07/26/2024 to $86 today)
  • 1-year price increase: +44% (from $100 on 08/26/2023 to $144 today)


Choosing the best cryptocurrency to buy today requires a keen understanding of market dynamics and emerging trends. Aave, Sui, Fantom, Bittensor, and Ethereum each offer unique opportunities this September. However, remember that the crypto market is highly volatile, and thorough research is essential before making investment decisions.


This information is provided solely for informational and educational purposes and does not constitute a recommendation to buy or sell any specific digital asset or investment strategy. Young Platform S.p.a. makes no warranties regarding the accuracy, suitability, or validity of the information provided or any particular asset. Prices are illustrative and may vary. The data may reflect assets traded on the Young Platform S.p.a. platform and other selected cryptocurrency exchange platforms. Please note that cryptocurrencies are highly volatile, and purchasing them involves a risk of loss.

What is the Poorest Country in the World? Ranking of the Poorest Countries in 2024

The Poorest Countries in the World: Updated Ranking

Discover the ranking of the poorest countries in the world for 2024 based on GDP per capita. Explore the challenges and conditions these nations face.

One of the most common metrics used to examine the poorest countries in the world is GDP (Gross Domestic Product) per capita. This figure represents the average economic output per person in a given country and is a crucial indicator of financial health. 

A low GDP per capita often correlates with challenging living conditions characterised by fragile economies, high unemployment rates, and inadequate infrastructure. Moreover, these nations frequently grapple with internal conflicts and political instability, further hindering their development.

However, GDP per capita alone does not fully capture the economic well-being of a country’s citizens, as it overlooks disparities in the cost of living. GDP,  combined with issues such as low education levels, endemic diseases, and limited access to healthcare, these factors create environments where economic development is nearly impossible, leading to harsh living conditions. Below, we delve into the poorest countries in the world as of 2024 and the primary issues they face.

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The poorest countries in the world: 2024 ranking

Per stimare quali sono i paesi più poveri del mondo di solito ci si basa sui dati forniti dal Fondo Monetario Internazionale (FMI).

Nella maggior parte degli stati che trovi in questo articolo è molto difficile accedere ai servizi finanziari, anche a quelli standard come l’apertura di un conto bancario. Per questo motivo sono sempre di più i cittadini che si affidano a Bitcoin o ad altre criptovalute. Questa tecnologia coincide con un modo nuovo, e per molti l’unico, di gestire il proprio denaro e salutare per sempre lo status di unbanked. Se ti interessa questo tema e vuoi saperne di più puoi scaricare la nostra app.

The following ranking of the poorest countries is based on data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In many of these countries, access to essential financial services is minimal, with many citizens turning to cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin as a new way to manage their money, often as their only viable option.

This technology represents a new, and for many, the only way to manage their money and say goodbye to being unbanked. Suppose you’re interested in the opportunities cryptocurrencies offer as cross-border funds independent of governments or banks. In that case, you can buy, sell, and send cryptocurrencies on Young Platform, a leading European platform.

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1. Sudan del Sud

GDP per Capita: ~$450

South Sudan, the world’s poorest country, gained independence in 2011 but has been plagued by civil conflicts that have hindered economic and social development. Despite its vast oil reserves, South Sudan suffers from the “resource curse,” where wealth in natural resources leads to corruption, division, and conflict instead of prosperity.

2. Burundi

GDP per Capita: ~$900

Unlike South Sudan, Burundi lacks significant natural resources. The civil war that ended in 2005 left the country in dire straits, with most of its population dependent on subsistence agriculture. Less than 5% of the population has access to electricity, and inflation (an average of 14%, but it touched 30% in 2023) remains a significant issue, contributing to the erosion of living standards.

3. Central African Republic (CAR)

GDP per Capita: ~$500

The CAR is rich in natural resources like gold, oil, uranium, and diamonds, yet its people remain among the poorest globally. Since its first democratic election in 2016, the country has seen some growth, driven by timber, agriculture, and the diamond trade. However, much of the nation remains under the control of armed groups, hindering development. Growth in recent years has shown a moderate recovery, driven by the lumber industry, recovery in the agricultural sector, and partial recovery in the diamond trade.

4. Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) 

GDP per Capita: ~$1,500

Since gaining independence from Belgium in 1960, the DRC has experienced political instability and violence. Despite its vast mineral wealth and potential to become one of Africa’s wealthiest countries, about 65% of the population lives on less than $2.15 a day. The country has a population of 100 million, with the average per capita income hovering around $1,500 annually. However, according to the World Bank, the DRC has the resources and potential to become one of Africa’s richest countries and a growth engine for the entire continent. It is currently the world’s largest producer of cobalt and the leading copper exporter in Africa, two essential elements for the electric vehicle market.

5. Mozambique

GDP per Capita: ~$1,200

While rich in resources and strategically located, Mozambique continues to face poverty due to political instability and adverse climatic conditions. Despite these challenges, the IMF projects strong economic growth driven by the energy sector. To make matters worse, the gas-rich northern part of the country has been hit by attacks by Islamic insurgent groups since 2017. Despite this, according to the IMF, the economy remains booming: it is projected to grow by 5% in 2024 and 2025, with prospects for double-digit growth in the second half of the 2020s.

6. Niger

GDP per Capita: ~$500

Niger is heavily threatened by desertification, with 80% of its territory covered by the Sahara Desert. The rapid population growth outpaces agricultural production, worsening food insecurity. Additionally, ongoing conflicts with Boko Haram exacerbate the nation’s instability.

In 2021, with the election of the new president Mohamed Bazoum, a former teacher and interior minister, Niger experienced its first democratic transition of power and seemed poised for significant change. However, in the summer of 2023, Bazoum was captured by some members of his presidential guard, and since then, a military junta has ruled the country.

7. Malawi

GDP per Capita: ~$600

Malawi is seventh on the list of the poorest countries in the world. Its economy, heavily dependent on agriculture, is vulnerable to climate change and food insecurity. The government faces a severe economic crisis marked by fuel shortages, rising food prices, and currency devaluation.

8. Liberia

GDP per Capita: ~$600

Liberia, Africa’s oldest republic, has been among the world’s poorest nations for years. However, Joseph Boakai’s election in 2023 offers some hope for economic recovery, with growth projected to reach 5.3% in 2024.

9. Madagascar

GDP per Capita: ~$450

Since gaining independence from France in 1960, Madagascar has experienced political instability, contested elections, and slow economic growth. Despite high poverty rates and an inflation rate of nearly 8%, the current government under Andry Rajoelina, reelected in 2023, continues to struggle with widespread poverty.

How limited mobility hinders economic growth in Africa’s poorest countries

Limited mobility has a profound impact on economic growth, particularly for African countries that already struggle with poverty. According to research by Prof. Mehari Taddele Maru, African nations top the list of Schengen visa rejections, with around 30% of African applicants being denied compared to just 10% worldwide. 

This stark disparity highlights how restricted access to international travel further marginalizes the poorest countries, making it harder for individuals to seek better opportunities, engage in global trade, or even gain exposure to new skills and ideas. 

The high rejection rates are particularly pronounced in the poorest African countries, creating a vicious cycle where limited mobility exacerbates economic stagnation. With the ability to move freely, these nations can overcome significant barriers to growth, as their citizens can participate in the global economy, seek education abroad, or build international business connections.

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The ranking of the poorest countries in the world highlights the severe economic challenges many nations face. However, despite these difficulties, there is potential for future growth in these countries, with natural and human resources that, if properly harnessed, could significantly improve living conditions. Stay tuned for more insights if you’re interested in learning more about these countries’ global economic challenges and development efforts.

Avon Files for Bankruptcy Amid Talcum Powder Lawsuit Crisis

Avon's bankruptcy and Johnson & Johnson's legal challenges

Learn about Avon’s bankruptcy due to talcum powder lawsuits and the parallels with Johnson & Johnson’s legal challenges. How will these companies navigate the crisis?

The beauty industry, once synonymous with innovation and prosperity, is currently grappling with one of its most significant challenges. A striking example of this turmoil is Avon’s recent bankruptcy filing, a dramatic turn of events signalling deep-rooted issues within the sector. In mid-August 2024, Avon officially filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware. This marked the culmination of years of financial and legal struggles primarily linked to asbestos-contaminated talcum powder lawsuits.

The Avon Bankruptcy

Avon’s decision to file for bankruptcy directly responds to the overwhelming legal pressure from 386 ongoing lawsuits. These cases allege that the company’s talcum powder products were contaminated with asbestos, a known carcinogen, leading to serious health concerns, including cancer. Despite Avon’s consistent denial of asbestos presence in their products, the company has faced significant financial setbacks due to adverse legal judgments.

One of the most severe blows came in 2020 when Avon was ordered to pay $46 million in damages. More recently, in July 2024, another hefty compensation of $24.5 million was imposed, further depleting the company’s already strained financial reserves. These mounting legal costs have left Avon with no viable option but to seek bankruptcy protection to manage its debts and restructure its business.

Parallels with Johnson & Johnson

Avon’s situation resembles the legal challenges faced by another industry giant, Johnson & Johnson (J&J). J&J has also been embroiled in lawsuits over asbestos-contaminated talcum powder, leading to thousands of claims and substantial financial penalties. However, J&J’s response to the crisis has notably differed due to its significant financial resources.

Like Avon, J&J strategically filed for bankruptcy for one of its subsidiaries, a manoeuvre designed to consolidate and manage the numerous lawsuits while working on debt restructuring. This “strategic bankruptcy” allows J&J to freeze ongoing litigation and focus on negotiating settlements, thereby limiting further financial damage.

However, despite the similarities, the two cases differ significantly in their potential outcomes. J&J’s global presence and robust financial standing have enabled it to withstand the legal onslaught. At the same time, Avon was weakened by years of decline and a tarnished brand image. J&J’s diversified portfolio and vast resources have provided a buffer against the crisis, a luxury Avon lacks.

The Fall of a Giant

For Avon, bankruptcy is the last resort after a series of challenges that have eroded its prestige and financial stability. The company has already paid out $225 million in settlements, yet the legal battles continue, straining its liquidity and threatening its survival after more than a century in the cosmetics industry.

Avon’s bankruptcy raises critical questions about its future and the beauty industry. The sector has become increasingly competitive, with new brands capturing the attention of more demanding and informed consumers than ever before. In this evolving market, sustainability, transparency, and innovation are crucial for survival, leaving little room for companies that cannot adapt swiftly to changing dynamics.

One potential lifeline for the industry could lie in blockchain technology, which promises enhanced transparency and traceability. With consumers increasingly favouring brands that can provide a “digital identity” for their products, detailing every ingredient’s origin and processing, blockchain could solve the challenges companies like Avon’s face.


While Johnson & Johnson may weather the storm due to its financial strength and crisis management capabilities, Avon’s future remains uncertain. The company’s bankruptcy could either signal the end of an era or catalyse a radical restructuring that might lead to a resurgence. Only time will tell whether Avon can rise from the ashes or become another example of how even industry giants can fall.

Discover how blockchain technology transforms the beauty industry by offering unprecedented transparency and traceability. Explore our industry insights on Young Platform. 

Cryptocurrencies: 10 big companies already accepting Bitcoin

Cryptomonnaies : 10 grandes entreprises acceptent déjà le Bitcoin: 10 big companies already accepting Bitcoin

Cryptocurrencies are not the future but the present. Here are the major companies that accept Bitcoin payments.

Mass adoption? It’s getting closer and closer. Don’t just take our word for it; just look at how many companies, multinationals, and simple shops are gearing up to accept cryptocurrency payments. Even though many countries still do not fully regulate them, the crypto phenomenon is too big to be ignored. That’s why companies are keen to innovate and push for the spread of crypto payments. And it’s not just about specific niches, but very popular brands and services that are part of our daily lives.

Here is a list of ten companies that accept Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as a method of payment.

  1. Mastercard

Mastercard has been allowing cryptocurrency payments through its platform for some time now, thanks to collaborations with major players such as Metamask and MoonPay. The company has recognised the usefulness of crypto as real currency. “With the interest [in crypto] coming from various sectors, the real-world applications of cryptocurrencies are surpassing pure speculation,” said Rama Sidhar, vice president for New Digital Payments at Mastercard. During the last months of 2022, the leading payment network company partnered with eight Web3 startups to make crypto more accessible. Among them is the mobile banking app Hi, with which it will launch the first customisable debit card featuring personal NFTs.

  1. Visa

Mastercard’s competitor has also dedicated its energies to cryptocurrency projects in recent years. Since 2020, Visa has been collaborating with various exchanges to offer users the ability to pay in Bitcoin and other cryptos via Visa-enabled debit cards.

  1. Gucci

Dream of buying luxury clothing with your satoshis? At Gucci’s US stores, since August 2022, it’s possible to pay in various cryptos. Specifically, they accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, ApeCoin (the Bored Apes Yacht Club token), and five stablecoins.

  1. Microsoft

Microsoft, which has accepted Bitcoin payments since 2014, is among the early adopters of blockchain technology. The cryptocurrency can be used for Microsoft services like Skype or Xbox Live.

  1. Tesla

Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, was among the first entrepreneurs to show interest in Bitcoin. For a while, it was possible to buy electric cars using crypto. Then he changed his mind, temporarily halting Bitcoin payments until mining operations are completely powered by renewable sources.

Despite this, buying some Tesla accessories in Dogecoin (DOGE) is still possible.

  1. Amazon

Although paying directly with crypto on the world’s largest e-commerce platform is currently impossible, Amazon is seeking blockchain experts to join its team. Will we see this new feature soon? We can still shop with crypto through various debit cards or convert our cryptocurrencies into Amazon vouchers through third-party sites. Handy, isn’t it?

  1. PayPal

The payment giant introduced the ability to buy, sell, and hold some cryptocurrencies directly from its app in 2021. However, the feature remained exclusive to US users. In December 2022, there was a breakthrough: the announcement of a partnership between PayPal and Metamask. Thanks to this collaboration, it will be possible to log into your dedicated PayPal area with your Metamask wallet and buy crypto directly from your PayPal account in one step.

  1. Twitch

Twitch, the world’s most used streaming platform, also accepts Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for donations and subscriptions. You can support your favourite creators monthly through subscriptions or subs, paying with various cryptos, from Bitcoin to Ethereum, Dogecoin to Litecoin.

  1. McDonald’s

You can buy your Crispy McBacon with Bitcoin and the stablecoin Tether (USDT) at McDonald’s in Lugano. These payments are part of the “Plan B” initiative, which involved the capital of the Ticino canton in October 2022. This project aims to increase the adoption of cryptocurrency in the Swiss city. Payments at McDonald’s in Lugano are processed on Bitcoin’s Layer-2 blockchain, the Lightning Network.

  1. Starbucks

We close the list of 10 companies that allow Bitcoin payments as we would end a meal – with a good coffee, paid strictly in crypto. At American Starbucks cafes, you can buy espressos and frappuccinos in cryptocurrencies directly from the app, thanks to the partnership with Bakkt.

Stores where you can pay with Bitcoin

The companies on this list are not the only ones accepting Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as payment methods, but they are probably the best known globally. Year after year, many other businesses of various sizes and operating in the most diverse sectors have adopted crypto.

Among these are physical stores located in crypto-friendly countries. Some practical examples? Certain Burger King stores in Venezuela, the US teams Miami Dolphins and Dallas Mavericks, and Coca-Cola vending machines in Australia and New Zealand.